Borneo: Crafting Timeless Resort wear since 2014

In 2014, after a transformative 10-year odyssey through the enchanting landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Kinga Szantho planted the seeds for Borneo, a resort wear line that seamlessly weaves her passion for artisanal clothes and accessories with the soul of tropical latitudes. Our pieces are light, airy, and feminine to mystify and fit to all form.

Artisanal Mastery, Ancient Weaving Techniques:

The pieces are a testament to her commitment to artisanal excellence, particularly through the revival of ancient weaving techniques. These techniques breathe life into pieces that not only adorn, but also narrate a story of timeless elegance. Rooted in the tropics, each piece captures the essence of its surroundings.

Antique Aesthetics, Sustainable Essence:

Fusing a taste for the antique with a commitment to sustainability, Borneo unveils essential feminine and masculine styles. Crafted from plant-based unique fibres, these creations are optimized for sustainability, ensuring a minimal environmental footprint. It's a conscious effort to harmonize fashion with nature.

The call to create hand-touched humble pieces resonated profoundly in Bali, a captivating island where art intertwines seamlessly with everyday life. Here, beauty is not a pursuit but an effortless gesture. The island's vibrant cultural tapestry became the muse for Borneo's designs, infusing every piece with the spirit of the local surroundings.

Bali: Where Inspiration Blossoms:

Enriching Lives, Connecting Cultures:

Each collection is a celebration of the eternal desire to be enriched by connecting cultures. It embodies a belief in a joyful life, encouraging the appreciation of beauty wherever you are. The pieces invite you to treasure not just what you see, but what resonates with your unique style.